在国外旅行中,了解并掌合手一些基本的旅游景点英文先容口角常有用的。这不仅大要匡助搭客更好地贯通景点的历史和文化配景,还能让交流愈加顺畅。底下,咱们将通过几个简便的场景来展示何如用英语先容旅游景点。 #### 场景一:参不雅历史行状 怀仁人才网_怀仁招聘网_怀仁人才招聘网 **导游:** Welcome to the Great Wall of China! This is one of the most famous landmarks in the world, stretching ove
### Exploring China's Famous Landmarks China, a country with a rich history and diverse culture, is home to numerous iconic landmarks that attract millions of visitors every year. From the Great Wall in the north to the Forbidden City in the heart o